Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Still catching up. Just realized I haven't posted it,

Day 92, 4/22/2010

Well today I made yet another mistake I wasn't able to get up to my alarm... again. For whatever reason I kept having a very hard time getting up in the mornings. And this morning I didn't wake up till it was a little late for me to get to the Clash of Realities in Cologne. As soon as I was awake I realized I was super late. So I grabbed my phone figured out where to go got dressed and headed to the trains to get to the presentations. I got there and I had to sit at the stop till I finally got a hold of someone to tell me where to go. I got a hold of someone and they sent someone to come get me and when I got there I signed in. By that time it ended up being way too late to even matter that I rushed to get there. The cool thing is that I was later able to find a girl friends house later the next week. Anyway I got there and signed in to go to the rest of what was showing in English. Right after that we headed over to the local cafeteria to get some lunch. There was a minor argument over who would be staying and who would be going to eat somewhere else. Also who would be going back to Bonn immediately or staying. It ended up that right after that I went back with Lisa and Brian back to Bonn. Then I was done for the day.

Day 93-95, 4/23-25/2010

This was Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I can't remember what I did. It was the weekend so I know I didn't go up to the school but other than that I don't really remember. This is what I get for not doing this earlier.

Day 96-100, 4/26-30/2010

Finally the last weekend of official school for that semester. The whole week till Friday way was devoted to school and getting things done. I didn't have class on Monday morning or all day Tuesday and Friday. I can't recall anything specific happen except that I was getting really really tired of everyone in Germany and I was past being mad at my partner because he wouldn't do what I wanted him to do. So it was pretty much just working. For the non-class days I think I went up to the school at least a couple of times. I'm almost positive I did on Friday. Not to mention one of these days I ended up staying up all night to get some stuff done. The next day was a long one.

The only specific day that I know if is Wednesday. 4/28/2010. This was the test day for our Game History class. The sad thing is that I didn't know it was a test day. Well anyway. I didn’t know that we were going to have a test so most of what I answered I remembered and I think I did a good job surprisingly for not having studied at all. I showed up in the morning and realized that we had a test so I immediately sat down to get whatever studying I could done. Then we took the test and I think I did surprisingly well. The horrible thing is that although I lucked out I have never had a test that I had to take without studying. I’m completely surprised that it didn’t screw me as much as it should have. It was the only day I really remember anything specific happening that week besides a couple of reviews and working.

Also on Thursday after class I ended up staying the night at the school and working all day long like usual on the project. Some time at the end of the day I went home for a blanket and some food before heading back to school. It was getting very very close to the due date and crunch time was upon us. It was ridiculous because I was so tired. I'm pretty sure it was Thursday that I ended up staying.

Day 101, 5/1/2010

This was a very cool day. First thing this morning my host mom took me to a traditional thing that the churches and villages in the area do for the first day of spring. The young single guys raise this tree in front of the church and they hang trees in front of their girl friends houses as a symbol of love I guess. The trees are also decorated with ribbons. People even try to steal trees from other churches so they guard it to keep people from taking it. This was really neat. After that they were selling hot dogs so we ate a few for lunch and that was the last time I would see Trudy's mom. Around 4 or so I made my way over to Michelle's house. Today was a celebration for the towns along the Rhine for the first day in spring called Rhine in Flammen. I made plans to go to it with Michelle and spend the evening with her. Well the way it started was that I got on the train heading over to her house and I missed the stop so I had to wait at the next stop to catch the train to go back. By then I was way later than I planned on being. I also was talking to her on the phone to let her know what happened. After I finally got to the right stop I had to wait for her to get back to where I was. When she and her friend did we walked back to her friends house first then over to hers. At her friends house I had a funny thing happen. Her friends bird decided I was a good perch. So I got some cute pictures of the bird before we went over to hers to wait till when we would head into town for the festival. At first when we got into town I was very bored and disappointed because when we got into town the first people we met were the typical stuck up teenage sixteen year olds and about 30 mins of standing around and spending time with these guys it started grating on my nerves. After a while I got Michelle to go with me to go get a hamburger at McDonald's for her and the hamburger place near AIB for me. That took longer than I wanted it to so I didn't get the chance to eat it for a while. It sucked so I pretty much had to sit there and hold it waiting till I had time to. That didn't happen till we actually got on the train to head over to the river and the place that they would be shooting the fire works. This was fine because on the train I was able to eat. When we got there we finally left the annoying 16 year olds. I was especially glad to leave the raunchy dating couple. So when we got to the river area we ended up meeting with some of her other friends and I actually liked these friends a lot better. So I hung out with them the entire time. First we started near the station and went to sit down in the grass. Thats when I finally discovered that some of them could speak English. So we talked and just hung out. After a while we got bored and started walking around. About this time my new shoes that I bought earlier that week started really hurting my feet so I took them off and walked around barefoot. Which was ok with me. After a while I put my shoes back on because we were going down to where there was no grass. They had a carnival with all the rides that I like to ride at the festival in Angelo but the rides were just way too expensive. So we walked around some more and after a while we went and grabbed a beer. By the way you're allowed to drink beer at 16 in Germany. After that we went to find a place to sit till the fireworks. They played some really interesting songs. finally they started. I don't think I could ever watch fireworks in San Angelo again because these were so amazing these were the most amazing fireworks I've ever seen. If I ever go back to Germany I'm definitely going to do that again. It was just amazing. Everything was played perfectly with the fireworks. It was truly amazing. I couldn't believe that it was so amazing. After that we waited for a while to get some cups for their deposits because you get a deposit for taking the cups back. Then we went to catch the train because we were worried that we wouldn't be able to get on it before it stopped for the night. Well we got on the train just in time. We ended up standing for a very long time. After walking over to the stop we needed to get to over the bridge then we had to stand. Needless to say my feet were already hurting. So we drove a couple of stops then all of a sudden the train didn't leave the station and we were waiting and waiting. Soon we found out why. One of the other trains ahead of us got stopped because of a fight and our train was grounded. So we decided to start walking because at least then we would be moving. Right when we got a ways from the station the train started moving. That was not cool. So I pulled my shoes off so we could get moving to get to the next station in order to catch the train again. Finally we were able to get to the next station get on the train and get back to the hauptbahnhof. We planned on having a party of some kind but it didn't happen. Anyway I eventually got back to the house and went to bed.

Day 102, 5/2/2010

This was a Sunday and my last Sunday of the semester. All our projects were due on Tuesday. I worked all day of course again to make sure it was done. I don't remember if I went up to the school or not.

Day 103, 5/3/2010

So this was the last day before final review. I got up to the school as early as I could. This would be the longest day yet. I was so close to finishing. So I worked and worked and worked. Then around 8 that evening I headed home to grab some food then I headed back to school to stay there again. So I worked till about 4 in the morning and then I changed my mind and decided I didn't want to stay again and I was done so I headed home for a little bit of sleep.

Day 104, 5/4/2010

Surprise, surprise I didn't wake up to my alarm and instead to someone calling me. So I got to school as fast as I could. When I got there they hadn't started yet so it was alright. I had left my computer but it was moved to a table on the wall. Colton and I spent a little bit of time getting our stuff together to make sure that we wouldn't be loosing anything important to give to the profs. Then we spent the rest of the day watching presentations and running back and forth from the room where the presentations were going on and my computer to get the CD made for the profs. After the presentations it was like a sigh of relief. I was very ready to be done with the work. So about that time the host families started showing up for the Farewell dinner. This was ok with me because my host mom only showed for a little while. This was just a lot of hanging out and enjoying the food. I loved it we had a beer and some good food. My host mom left early but I stayed for a while enjoying myself. After that I went home to talk to Sean and then go to bed early to make sure that I was up in time to go to the FMX Convention in Stuttgart.

Day 105, 5/5/2010

This was the beginning of our final trip and the one I was looking forward to. Whats awesome is I got up in time... I don't remember if my host mom had to take me to the train station or not but I got there in time and we enjoyed the trip there. It was a long trip and It was fun. When we got there we went to the convention center for the final presentation of the night before heading to the hostel. The presentation was about .**** The walk to the hostel took a while. We did take a train but other than that it still took a while to walk up the hill to the hostel that looked over the city. This was a pretty nice hostel. Before heading to bed we ate dinner there at the hostel and that was the end of the day.

Day 106, 5/6/2010

When we got up this morning we got a really nice breakfast from this place because that was part of being at this hostel. They offered all the meals except lunch, and it was really good. After that we headed over to the convention.